Address: 503 S Walnut St, Ridgeville, IN 47380 Size: 0.69 acres (30,449 sqft) School District: Randolph Eastern School Corp
🏡 House on 503 S Walnut St, Ridgeville, IN 🌳
🔖 Property ID: 68-05-12-307-065.000-002
🗺️ Zoning: R-2
📍 Coordinates: 40.284955, -85.028628
🏫 School District: Randolph Eastern School Corp
📍 Address: 503 S Walnut St, Ridgeville, IN 47380
📏 Lot Size: 0.69 acres (30,449 sqft)
🌊 Flood Zone: Check FEMA Portal
🔑 Don't miss your chance to own this exceptional piece of land in Ridgeville!